Ikeda Shöen
BiographyBorn in Tokyo. Original name Sakakibara Yuriko. Studied from age 16 with Mizuno Toshikata and then with Kawai Gyokudö. In 1911 married Ikeda Terukata, also a painter. Exhibited paintings at Bunten beginning 1907; she and her husband, in an allusion to a symbol of conjugal happiness, were called the mandarin duck painters at Bunten. Founding member of Ugökai. Also an illustrator in a contemporary ukiyo-e style. Among her subjects are young women in a mixture of Japanese and Western dress. Series entitled Young Beauties of Layered Mist, 1906, published by Akiyama Buemon; bijin-ga published posthumously in the series New Ukiyo-e Beauties (Shin ukiyo-e bijin awase).
Helen Merritt and Nanako Yamada, Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900-1975
U.S.A.: University of Hawaii Press, 1992, Page 39