Yamanaka Kodō
Born in Tokyo. Original name Satö Shö. Adopted by the Yamanaka family. Also used the gö Tatsushige or Tatsujü. Studied with Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, Kumagai Naohiko, Arihara Kogan. Participated with Kaburagi Kiyokata and Ikeda Terukata in forming Ugökai in 1901. Exhibited paintings with Ugökai and Kokugakai. Illustrated weekly newspaper magazines. Mokuhan works include Notebook of Mountains and Waters (Sansui chö), 1901, published by Kobayashi Bunshichi; Mother and Baby, 1929, signed Tatsujü; Inner Shrine at Ise, 1937; Illustration Manual (Sashi-e setsuyö), 1941, published by Unsödö; and bijin-ga published by Watanabe in 1920s and 1930s. Late in life designed moku-hanga of movie actresses under the name Tatsushige.
Helen Merritt and Nanako Yamada, Guide to Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints: 1900-1975
U.S.A.: University of Hawaii Press, 1992, Page 172